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Game-Girl.com.au is the ultimate gaming website, providing you with reviews, articles and walkthroughs all in the one place. Our extensive game database not only incorperates new games, but those old games from when you were a kid.

About Game-Girl

Here at Game-Girl, we'll provide you the lastest intel about new and up and coming games. From our exciting Game Reviews to our Top-Ten lists you'll be sure to love everything we offer. You may be asking yourself how we're different from your average gaming site? Well, everything written here at Game-Girl is from a girl's perspective. That's right! A girl!

Who is Game-Girl?

Game-Girl has a long, extensive history in games and technology. With over 15 years experience in the gaming world, you can be assured to get the best insight into which games are for you, and what to avoid. With a passion for gaming and everything that surrounds it Game-Girl can tell you everything from: the location of Mankrik's wife to the best sniper's position on Heavy Metal.


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